Tips for IELTS Listening

Listening Test is the easiest section in the IELTS. In fact, a lot of my students get the highest score in this section. The last time I took the IELTS, I got a band score of in Listening. This post will give you some tips for IELTS Listening.

1. Read the instructions.

In each type of question, there’s a corresponding instructions. Sometimes you’ll be asked to write one word only, no more than two or three words, or number only. Make sure that you understand the instructions so you won’t make a careless mistake of adding unnecessary words.

2. Listen for verbal signals.

There are word indicators like however, moreover, and finally. These words help you show when the speaker is moving from one aspect of the topic to another.

3. Check the spelling.

In the listening test, if you are asked to write a name of a specific person, a place, or any proper nouns, it will be spelled for you. Be familiar with the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet. Moreover, it’s important to listen carefully for word forms. Is it singular or plural? You need to write the exact word you heard.

4. Don’t try to understand everything.

There will always be complex words. Some of those information are just extra. Focus your attention on listening for the answers to the questions.

5. Guess, if you don’t know the answer.

Don’t leave any blank answers. Make a wise guess! After all, you won’t lose marks for wrong answers. In addition, this might cause confusion when transferring answers to the answer sheet.

6. If you miss an answer, move on.

The listening test is played only once. Don’t stay too long in one question because you can’t pause the recording. Leave the past and focus on the present. Charot.

Tips for IELTS Listening

7. Transfer your answers carefully.

You’ll be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet at the end of the test. When transferring answers, make sure that you do it carefully. Check that the answer for number 5 goes into space number 5. If you make a mistake, this might have a domino effect. Like for example, you wrote answer number 6 in the space for number 5, all the rest of the numbers might be wrong too.

8. Practice

There are so many free practice tests online. Utilize them so you’ll get used to it. Try to practice as much as you can. Practice makes perfect!

Travel with Karla

I wrote these tips for IELTS Listening based on my experience in teaching. I hope these are helpful for you! If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment.

Read more about my IELTS Experience:

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I also published some tips for IELTS Speaking, Reading and Writing.

Travel with Karla


  1. Oh great! I really need these things. My friend already took the examination and got 7 overall if I’m not mistake. I might take soon as well, but I need to enroll first on a center. And I’ll keep these things in mind.

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