Travel with Karla Talks features my speaking engagements in the past years.
Besides writing blog posts and creating vlogs, I also enjoy speaking in public. I can talk about a lot of stuff related to my advocacy (Eliminate Online Sexual Exploitation of Children), education, traveling, Christianity, and about random stuff on blogging. You may invite me to be a part of your seminars, workshops, or even retreats. If you plan to do so, please contact me ahead of time so I can make necessary preparations.
Send me message to my email: [email protected]. You may also contact me on my Facebook Page: Travel with Karla.
PCU Kiddie Kollege Moving Up Ceremony
March 2015 at Phlippine Christian University

Beside being an alumna of Philippine Christian University Kiddie College, I also became a pre-school teacher when I was in Korea. I teach Korean toddlers on how to speak the English language.
Palapala United Methodist Church – Youth Night
August 2017 | “Travel with God”

When I was young, I’m an active member of the United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF). Now that I’m older, I can now share some life lessons with them.

Palapala United Methodist Church – Christian Education Sunday
September 2017 – “We Are Peacemakers”

I belong in the Christian Education Committee of our church. To be honest, I don’t really teach kids every Sunday School but I’m active in teaching kids who are not members of church. I enjoy doing outreach activities.
V/Blog Workshop for the South
March 2, 2019 at Coffice Workspace

Since I’ve been blogging for years now, I and the members of South Bloggers decided to conduct a seminar to teach the people about the Basics of blogging and vlogging.
Vacation Church School Graduation
May 26, 2019 at Palapala United Methodist Church

It will always be a pleasure for me to speak in front young children. Being a teacher will always be a part of me wherever I go.