Q: When is the best time to visit Korea?
A: Whenever people ask me this question, I always answer Autumn.
Q: When is Autumn in Korea?
A: Autumn starts around mid-late September to mid November.
So when’s the best time to visit Korea? Let me describe it in pictures:
The leaves are still green. The flowers are in bloom.

1st – 2nd week of October
The green leaves are starting to change their colors.

3rd-4th week of October
The trees are in different colors.

1st week of November
The leaves start to fall.

2nd week of November
Some trees are still vibrant but the others are now withered.

When do you plan to visit Korea?
Do you know other “must visit” places in Seoul during Autumn? Write your thoughts on the comment box. 🙂
hello.. how about 1st week of september? Is it still good to visit korea? thank you..
Hi Karla! Love this post! we’re visiting Seoul around Nov 20 this year, would you know what the trees would look like at that time? 🙂 we were kind of hoping to see autumn colors but so far all the blogs I’ve read indicate that this is too late already.
We will be visiting Seoul for 3 weeks in June 2019. Lots of changes after 26 years since the last time we were there. During the summer \Olympics 1988 – 1991. Loved every minute of it!
Wow! Enjoy!
Hi your blog is amazing and helpful..it makes easier to plan my itinerary just looking at all the pictures..thank you
hi I really enjoy reading ur post…and I plan to go in korea by november…what attire should I wear?….from top till down….?…tnx
Which week of November?
Same question. We’ll be there last week of October to first week of November.
hi! Planning to be there Oct 21-29, what are the best places to visit? Thanks!
Gonna visit Korea Soon!!!! ?
Hi! What would be the weather in the first week of June for we’ll be travelling by then?
Just the usual shirt and pants. It’s summer by that time.
Hi Karla! My hub and I are finally booked to go to S.Kor this October! I’m looking at Mt. Seoraksan to include in our itinerary. Any feedback?
One of the best places to visit!
Hello we are going to so kor last week of october what would be the best clothes to wear? Thankyou
You may bring normal jackets.
Thank you for this wonderful post!!
I agree, photographing in Korea, one really has to devote every weekend from September to December. Otherwise, it’s changing so rapidly and we’re bound to miss a great opportunity of reddish leaves or fallen ones. I especially love your last image of all the fallen leaves on the ground.
Great photographs! I’m a huge fan of the autumn time. Korea definitely has the right conditions for a beautiful fall. Awesome post!
I’m so sad I missed out on taking photos this Autumn. I’m really going to try and snag some photos this weekend. Maybe go hiking.
I love your presentation of the Autumn weeks. We can see the transition week to week and it’s easier for those who want to travel here which wrek they would love to be in. Your photo presentation is a helpful post.
I couldn’t agree more! Spring is a very close second, but Autumn is spectacular. Most seasons in Korea are very nice, but something about the dramatic color change makes it all so lovely.
Lovely!!!! You know, being from Chicago I never quite understood the fall hype. We usually get a very short-lived fall and it’s super cold, so I never got the fuss. But being in Korea has been a game changer! I. Get. It. Now. So much that my favorite season has shifted to autumn because summer in Daegu was truly unbearable.
I love autumn in Korea too! The season change is something really fascinating and new to me, and I’m in awe of it! I don’t enjoy the cold that follows so soon after though!
In my 13 years in Korea, autumn lasted a bit longer last year and this year. It used to be that leaves have already fallen in the first week of November. I’m enjoying the longish fall season though ~
You have the seasons as I do inn the northeast. Beautiful.
Like the old fashioned look
I really enjoy your posts! Thank you.