10 Things I’ll do if I won the lottery

If I won the lottery, I would definitely do all the things on this list. I think reading this article will help you to get to know me better, or at least, give you an idea on where to put your money.

1. Invest my money on stocks.

Instead of putting all my savings in the bank, I prefer to take a risk and invest some parts of my money in the stock market. I’m actually planning to invest this year but I’m still waiting for the economy to be more stable. This pandemic really affected the economy negatively.

After that, I’ll think about a good business. I might franchise a fast food chain or buy my own school. It has always been my dream to have my own school!

2. Buy insurance for the whole family.

Buying insurance for every member of my family gives me assurance that they will get cash when they need it most. I’ll make sure that my parents have enough money for their retirement. I also hope that if any of my family members get sick, they will be covered by health/life insurance. I might not be with them forever, but I’ll make sure that they won’t be bankrupt.

3. Renovate our family house.

I’m really grateful that my parents are wise with money. They bought a house and lot before deciding to have children. I think it’s one of the important investments any couple must have. As their children, we no longer worry about paying rents and about buying a house for our parents.

If I won the lottery, I’ll make our family house look like brand new. I might hire an interior designer for this. I may buy a new house, but I’ll still treasure the house bought by my parents.

4. Buy my dream house and car.

I will buy a house and make sure to have a minimalist interior. I’ve been living a minimalist lifestyle for many years now and I hope I can continue with this life in the future.

If I won the lottery

As for the car, our family never really had one. When we were younger, we used to have three trucks, but it’s for our hauling business. We already sold them and we haven’t bought any car since then. I can afford to buy one, but I think it’s not necessary for now because I work from home. Anyway, if you’re to ask me what kind of car I’ll buy, I’ll choose a camper van!

5. Travel the World.

Who doesn’t want to travel the world? Well, I don’t really plan to visit every country in the world but if money permits, why not? I actually plan to wear different traditional costumes from every country I visit. I hope I can continue this even if I don’t win the lottery.

If I won the lottery
Travel with Karla in Asia

6. Donate a church building.

My family is active in the church. No matter how busy we are, we find time to gather and attend the worship service every Sunday. If ever I won the lottery, I’ll donate a building for the church and help other small churches.

If I won the lottery
Meet my Family

I used to be a church worker in Korea and I saw how organized they are. There’s a service for different ages. They have a room for kindergarten, grade school students, and high school students. I think it’s better if the sermons are tailored per age so they can really relate and apply it to their life.

7. Donate an auditorium to my previous schools.

This is quite ambitious but I want to leave a legacy. I want to donate an auditorium to my previous school: Philippine Christian University and University of the Philippines. I actually want it to be named after me. Even if I die, many students will find them useful for many years.

8. Pay the hospital bills of indigent patients.

Health is indeed wealth. A lot of people who are sick die not because they can’t afford to continue the treatments. If I won the lottery, I’ll sponsor surgeries, dialysis, and even some therapies for indigent patients. For now, I’m really praying that our government gives more budget to our healthcare system.

Read more: How much does a UTI Treatment cost in the Philippines?

9. Send children to school.

Besides paying for my siblings’ tuition fees at school, I also want to help other children who can’t afford to study. I don’t really need to be a millionaire to do this but as soon as my siblings are done with their studies, I’ll definitely sponsor a child. If not a child, I’ll send a deserving student to college. What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who can’t afford education?

Anyway, to be more realistic, I want to help someone who also wants to help his/her own family. Someone who knows how to pay it forward.

10. Fund the research for the cure of COVID-19.

It’s been more than a month since WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Despite the government’s effort to stop the virus from spreading, no one from the Philippines is really getting funds to actually create a vaccine. As of now, 8,928 Filipinos are infected with coronavirus. 603 of them already died. Although I’m just at home and safe from viruses, I’m really scared that these numbers might be doubled or even tripled once the enhanced community quarantine gets lifted.

Read more: Am I COVID-19 positive?

Travel with Karla

I also asked my followers what they’ll do if they won the lottery, read their answers here:

This is my entry for Blogging Challenge No. 2 of Bloggers PH. If you’re interested in participating in future challenges, join our Facebook group.

Blogging Challenge No. 2

Travel with Karla


  1. 1. house with big lawn
    2. travel the world and pinas
    3. invest on something
    4. start my dream biz 1
    5. start my dream biz 2
    6. buy a new camera and phone
    7. get a yaya and train din maging instagram yaya
    8. car with driver

    HAHAHHA ayan

  2. Halos same tayo ng gagawin kung mananalo ako sa lottery, una kong naiisip talaga bumili ng sarili naming bahay at mga apartments na gagawin kong for rent para may passive income ako.

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