Kaliraya Surf Kamp – BLUE SKY. GREEN GRASS. FRESH AIR. These are the things you should expect when visiting Kaliraya Surf Kamp.

I’m a nature lover. I enjoy spending time with the beautiful creations of God. It’s one thing I missed when I was in Seoul, Korea. I’ve been surrounded with amazing skyscrapers for a long time. It’s time for me to go and explore the places I really love.

Some people may say that I’m a social media junkie but I also enjoy being disconnected once in a while. Kaliraya Surf Kamp doesn’t have any WiFi. It doesn’t have any power sockets. It will make you have an actual conversation with your family or friends.

You won’t see any buildings there. Kaliraya Surf Kamp wants to preserve the place. They don’t have plans of modernizing it. They don’t have air conditioned rooms. Kaliraya Surf Kamp offers some nipa huts for rent. However, you can also opt to pitch your tent in their field. It will provide you the ultimate experience with the nature.

Kaliraya Surf Kamp encourages you to bring some packed lunch, or maybe grill some food in the picnic grounds. You may prepare your lunch by fishing in the lake then grilling it. However, if you don’t have time for it, you can go out and eat some Filipino food in the restaurant nearby.

They have Kayaks for rent! You may also bring your speed boat, paddle boat, jet ski, or anything you want to use in the lake.

The staff were very kind to us. They are approachable. You can ask them for help in pitching the tent or setting the bonfire. They even gave this cute rose pen to my little sister.

- Entrance fee Day Camp: 100/pax ($2) | Overnight: 200/pax ($4)
- Tent corkage 100 ($2) | Tent Parking fee 100 ($2)
- Picnic hut w/ table, bamboo bench, and faucet (10 to 15 pax) 1200 ($24)
- w/o faucet 1000 ($20)
- Bonfire 300 ($6)
- Kayak (2 pax) 400/ hr ($8)
- Motorized boat (15 pax) 1500/hr ($30)
For inquiries/reservations, please contact the following numbers:
09213521752 | 09278211066
Read more:
- Valleypoint Campsite: Experience Glamping in Baguio
- Bituin Cove: Budget Itinerary
- Corregidor Island Itinerary
- Albay Itinerary
This place sounds awesome! I like the idea of being disconnected for a while…we need more of that, huh?
I completely agree that living in a city with parks and river(s) isn’t really enough. Making a conscious effort to get out to nature or picking a vacation spot that is reeking with nature, clean air and lack of noise and pollution is ideal for health and well being. Great to see you are doing just that and it’s so inexpensive, wow!
Traveling to Philippines is really cheap. You’ll be surprised how many things you can buy in one dollar. ^^
Looks like a lovely spot for family fun. Is this located near Manilla? I’m not sure when I’ll next be in the Philippines, but I really want to get back to visit Palawan. Nice photos!
Wow that’s very affordable! I love kayaking. When I was young I kayaked a lot on the sea in Turkey. I’ll definitely keep this in mind if I’m ever in the neighborhood.
You should visit Philippines ^^
Nice post. Looks like a lovely place. I’ve never been to Indonesia, but do hope to make it there one day.
Hi John! It’s located in the Philippines. ^^
I also found the constant big city life of Seoul to be a bit tiresome. There are so few breaks from the concrete and glass high rises. It looks like you had a very peaceful break. But maybe I missed it, where exactly is this lovely retreat located?
I really had a peaceful break. It’s located in Cavinti, Laguna, Philippines.
Ahhhh this place looks amazing!! I am so looking forward to traveling the Philippines after my contract is over. I’m curious about your take on the media reported increase of violence in the country due to ISIS involvement?
Also, loving the graphics!! Where/how do you create them?!
There are some places with ISIS involvement but it’s too far from me. It may be dangerous to travel in the places near them but there are more safe places to visit. My cousin made the graphics for me. Haha!
I love your serenity. I love your post until you posted the photo of Kris Aquino, lol. Yikes!
It does look like a great place to relax and unwind and just enjoy nature. Great that you get to bond with your friends in the Philippines and feature the places there in your blog. Keep it up!
I hear you on the surrounded by skyscrapers thing. I find that living in Seoul, you really have to escape sometimes to stay sane. I’m not sure I’d like to be as disconnected as at this Surf Kamp (I need air conditioning or at least a fan haha), but I do need to go to nature from time to time.
That looks like all kinds of fun but you lost me at disconnected! 🙁 It does look peaceful though to paddle along the lake and take in the sunshine and weather. Now if only they can do that and still allow you to be connected to the world. I guess that defeats the purpose. 🙂