All of us needs friends. We need someone to share our thoughts. But what if all of your friends are busy with their own lives? To whom are you going to talk to?
As a young professional, I believe that having a group of friend is necessary to have a healthy social life. It’s not that I need attention. I’m surrounded by my very supportive family but having a circle of friends that has the same generation as you is different. With these in mind, I started to search for an organization.
By the power of social media, I came across this advertisement:
“The Soul Sesh team will be meeting on the streets to celebrate Christmas early by giving out simple gifts of love to the homeless people of Dasmarinas, Cavite. We may not be able to feed all, but we believe that starting with a few will make a difference.
If you’re interested in volunteering with our team on Saturday, send us a message for all of the details. Donations of any kind are also welcome.”

I didn’t think twice. I signed up for the event because it really met my interest. Why? I have a heart for public service, and I need an improvement in my social life.
Morning Soul Sesh
The group spent the morning talking about life. We had some delicious meals, played some fun games, and shared our stories. There was no dull moment.

We also spent time on planning what to do during the “Soul Sesh On The Streets.” I feel blessed that everyone in the group has a helping heart. Instead of giving some goods to some established organizations like orphanages or home for the aged, we decided to choose the people who are literally on the streets.

Soul Sesh On The Streets
After lunch, we went to a supermarket to buy the things we think they need. We bought some bread, canned goods, coffee, milk, and even toiletries. It’s amazing how much 3,500 pesos can go. We were able to fill up twelve bags! That’s twelve families!

We hit the road, and stopped at random people. Okay, not so random. We chose the old people and some kids. Some of them are selling some chips, collecting scraps, and others are too old who ended up begging.
We weren’t able to take photos of those people who got our gifts but their priceless smiles of gratitude will be engraved in our hearts.

Let me end this narrative with a quote from Denzel Washington, “At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or what you have accomplished. It’s about who you’ve lifted up and who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”

Are you in need of people who are willing to listen to your problems? Do you want to join this kind of sisterhood?
We are planning to do activities like this every month. If you want to join us, feel free to send a message at Soul Sesh Facebook Page. We also accept support in cash and in kind.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

Read more: Soul Sesh at Coffice
This is a wonderful cause Karla and I’m glad that you guys are planning on doing this monthly, because people in need can use our help on more than just “around the holidays” occasions. What a helpful way to give back as well as to meet like-minded friends and acquaintances. Happy upcoming holidays!